Anyone can transfer the herpes simplex virus to a baby. It could be by a kiss, sharing a cup, utensil, or slobbery toy with someone who has the herpes simplex virus.
Most people get the herpes simplex virus sometime during childhood. During the first outbreak, the following symptoms may occur to the baby:
- Pain in the mouth
- Poor drinking
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Gum inflammation
- Blisters on or around the mouth
- Fever
- Drowsiness
- Sore throat
A cold sore can be dangerous for a baby. If a baby is less than 3 months old and gets any kind of mouth sore, please consult your physician right away.
Dangers of cold sore and babies
A cold sore can be dangerous to a baby. If a baby is younger than 3 months and it is showing symptoms, it is advised to see a doctor. SoreFix is not suitable for the treatment of cold sore symptoms for babies. Especially with small children the virus can spread easily to other parts of the body.
Try to keep your baby away from touching the cold sore. In fact, to keep him from spreading the infection, wash his/her hands regularly and try to keep them from picking at the cold sore. You may want to put little mittens or socks on the hands while your baby sleeps.
If you have a cold sore, you should avoid kissing your baby (especially with a new-born) until the cold sore goes away. Remember, one peck with an infected lip is all it takes to pass on the herpes simplex virus. You’ll also want to avoid sharing cups and eating utensils while you have a cold sore.