Cold sore triggers
To prevent cold sores, you should avoid the triggersย that can activate the virus. Most people know when a cold sore is likely to occur. There are several triggers that can activate (the herpes simplex virus) a cold sore, these vary per person. The most common triggers are:
Low immune system
Illness such as fever, cold etc.
Cold weather
Exposure to intense sunlight
Monthly period
Dry or chapped lips
The symptoms of cold sores can be very annoying. You can often divide the cold sore period into different phases. It often starts with a tingling in the lip. You feel itch, pain or a burning sensation. The affected skin turns red (erythema) and small, round pimples (papules) develop. The cold sore develops in such a way that blisters develop and can burst open. The cold sore is surrounded by red and inflamed skin.
Read more about symptoms and the 4 phases of a cold sore